Cyber Security: 6 Ways to Keep CCTV Cyber Secure


As technology advances and our life is lived more and more online, maintaining good Cyber Security is becoming more important than ever. Protecting sensitive data such as personal financial information, health records, and intellectual property is just as important as protecting the physical business or home. As it pertains specifically to businesses, Cyber Security protects from theft and damage from competitors, hackers, and digital criminals.

To help better protect both yourself and your business, there are some extra precautions you can take to help safeguard against external threats.

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  1. Use Stronger Passwords

    You may have seen in the media the #1 reason that Nest Cam was able to get hacked was that users had a simple password that was easy to guess. By using complex passwords across your many accounts (and especially your security system) you make it more difficult for hackers to guess your login credentials. Try to limit recycling passwords from other accounts, make them unique. Mom’s birthday just won’t cut it.

  2. Update Your System

    Hackers or bots look to find vulnerabilities in camera systems. It is crucial to update firmware on all devices. From cable to camera, making sure your security appliances provide multiple layers of protection is the best way to protect against hackers.  

  3. Block Your Visibility

    Hacking victims are victims of opportunity - Hackers use discoverable devices or networks to choose their victims. Using a Firewall so that other devices and your camera cannot be discovered or invaded will help shield you from their unwelcome advances.

    4. Keep Things Separate

    With Cyber Security, linking all your devices together or all on one IP address may be streamlining for you but keep in mind that it streamlines the work for hackers also. You can keep networks separated by putting devices on a separate switch and a different IP address or by using Virtual Local Area Networks.

    5. Disable Switch Ports

    If using a Mac computer, you can use mac binding to keep another device from taking over or replacing your current device. You can also do this for a  PC, it just takes a couple of more steps. Doing this will keep unknown devices from adding themselves to your network.

    6. Encrypt Your devices

    Encryption validates all traffic from networks and stops intruders from using it. This will protect your digital data and protect it’s confidentiality when using the internet or other computer networks.

    We live in a digital world and, unfortunately, as our tech gets smarter, so do the ne'er-do-wells that seek to use it on unsuspecting victims. You can’t protect against everything, but using these steps will definitely help to limit your vulnerability. Additionally, working with a security expert who can provide you with the best in business technology with integrated cyber protection is always going to offer your business more robust security and Cyber Security than “off the shelf” options. Your security provider should take the time to explain to you how these devices work, and what maintenance or upgrade options are necessary in order to guarantee the security of your network (and your investment!). This partnership, along with your due diligence, will help keep you protected from hackers and keep you, and your business, safe.

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