Using CCTV for a Bird’s Eye View of your Business

At scDataCom,  small businesses are our heartbeat and we aim to serve and protect these local gems in our city with the means and resources at our disposal. In our eyes, a small business security camera system is essential and we want to unpack four reasons these technology tools can aid Savannah’s small business community. 

One: Assessing Incidents

Whether it’s theft or a liability issue, surveillance cameras can offer detailed coverage to aid in a variety of scenarios. If a customer, or even employee, stole from a business, the owner can review the video footage to assess the situation, see when the incident occurred, and offer assistance in identifying the perpetrator.

In regards to a liability issue (like, if a customer has an accident in a place of business or an employee reports a slip and fall) the owner can review their cameras to see when the incident occurred and have evidence on whether or not a true claim is being made. This has the ability to save small businesses a large chunk of time and money with the average cost of a slip-and-fall injury being $30,000! When a lot of the business’s weight falls on the shoulders of the owner, these tech tools can offer much-needed assistance and protection to lighten the load. 

Two: Floor & Product Management

Another reason small businesses need a security camera system is not technically for security.  These days security systems offer much more than protections. These cameras serve a dual purpose when used to monitor product stock, as well as the floor plan itself. Security cameras with heat mapping capabilities allow a store owner to see where high traffic areas in their business are. Through this, they can discover dead spaces that are being underutilized, areas customers heavily congregate to, and even merchandise that is getting the most attention. Small business security cameras can even alert you if a product on the self is low in quantity and needs to be restocked. They can also help manage your business through people counting in order to keep track of the desired capacity levels you wish to maintain. 

Three: Check-In When You’re Off the Clock 

An amazing new feature in modern-day security cameras is their remote access capabilities. These allow small business owners to keep an eye on their business in real-time. They can even set their security camera system to alert them during closed hours if it detects any form of movement or some kind of disturbance in the premises. The owners can then check their system and move forward with the proper safety measures.

It can also be extremely hard for small business owners to step away from their daily work grind in order to take time off. With remote access viewing businesses can be monitored not just after hours but from vast distances too. This can give owners peace of mind and help them actually enjoy some much deserved TLC.

Four: Benefits of the Small Business Community 

Small businesses with exterior security cameras can help enforce community standards and safety, which will not only benefit their businesses tremendously, but it has the potential to boost the overall welfare of the community by deterring, monitoring, and reducing crime. Theft doesn’t just happen within a place of business. Criminal activity has no boundaries. That is why our small businesses need to be protected from every angle. That way if a crime does occur, evidence collected can be offered to the authorities and insurance agencies to avoid a potential financial blow. 


SafeCity is here to bond our small business community together and we want to do so from our strengths: expert industry knowledge and years of experience. We believe these businesses are essential and need to be managed and protected to the best of their abilities. Safety and security are of the utmost importance to us. Join the conversation to help our small business community thrive through the implementation of modern-day technology devices!

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